
World’s tallest wrestler meets world’s shortest woman in northern India

World’s tallest wrestler meets world’s shortest woman in northern India

In a heartwarming encounter, The Great Khali, one of the world’s most towering wrestlers, met Jyoti Amge, the world’s shortest woman in northern India’s Haryana.

The incident took place at “The Great Khali Dhaba” near Karnal in Haryana on May 17.

Visuals showed Khali lifting tiny Jyoti in his palm, and both of them were very happy and laughing.


The Great Khali, standing at an imposing 7 feet 1 inch, met Jyoti Amge, who, at just 24 inches tall, holds the Guinness World Record for being the world’s shortest woman.

Khali, known globally for his strength and wrestling prowess, was visibly thrilled to meet Jyoti, who was passing through Haryana on her way back from Himachal. Upon recognizing her, Khali warmly welcomed her and, to the amusement of the staff and customers present, lifted her effortlessly onto his palm. The scene of Jyoti, looking doll-like in Khali’s large hand, brought smiles and laughter to everyone around. Jyoti, too, was beaming with joy throughout the interaction.


Khali expressed his delight, saying, “I’ve met many significant personalities around the world, but this is the first time I have had the honor of welcoming such a special guest by lifting her on my palm.” He added that it was a happy coincidence to meet Jyoti at his dhaba and admired her fitness and intelligence despite her short stature.

Jyoti shared her excitement, mentioning that she had only seen Khali on television before, particularly during Bigg Boss Season 4, and had followed his journey. Having been a contestant on Bigg Boss herself, she felt a special connection. Meeting Khali in person and sitting in his lap was a memorable experience for her. She mentioned that such moments of affection give her strength and joy.

The encounter was captured in a video that has since gone viral, charming viewers worldwide. This delightful meeting between two record-holding personalities is a testament to the joy and inspiration that comes from embracing differences and celebrating uniqueness.


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