
Tragic! Bridge collapse leaves commute on halt in northern India

Tragic! Bridge collapse leaves commute on halt in northern India

In a distressing incident in northern India’s Bihar, a bridge collapse has left dozens of villages isolated.

The incident took place in Patharghatti panchayat of the block of Kishanganj district on August 6.

Visuals showed a massive crack and ditch on the bridge, blocking local commuters. The locals expressed their distress and helplessness over the situation.

According to reports, the bridge built in Patharghatti panchayat of Kishanganj district was washed away by the rain, cutting off dozens of villages from the district. Villagers say they had complained about this issue to the administration for many months, but no action was taken.

Over the past fifteen years, the Kanakai river has frequently changed its course, significantly affecting Patharghatti panchayat of Dighalbank block. During this period, more than three hundred families from half a dozen villages in Patharghatti panchayat have been displaced. Additionally, more than half a dozen bridges and culverts have been destroyed by the changing or swollen river current.

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