
Sluice gate collapses under intense flood pressure, sparking panic in Bangladesh

Sluice gate collapses under intense flood pressure, sparking panic in Bangladesh

The sluice gate in Bangladesh collapsed under the overwhelming pressure of floodwaters, causing widespread panic among residents who fear their homes may be submerged by the rising waters.


The incident took place at Muchapur sluice gate in Companiganj Upazila, which is part of Noakhali District in the Chittagong Division on August 26. 

Visuals showed the sluice gate, battered by the overwhelming force of floodwaters, collapsed under the intense pressure. As it gave way, the broken structure crumbled and fell, its debris being swept away by the powerful current of the already-flooded water. The scene was chaotic, with the heavy remnants of the gate sinking and being carried off by the rushing waters, leaving behind a trail of destruction amid the turbulent, muddy floodwaters. The debris, once part of the sturdy gate, now floated adrift, blending with the relentless flow of the flood.


In a devastating turn of events, the Muchapur sluice gate in Company Ganj, Noakhali, succumbed to the intense pressure of floodwaters early on Monday, leaving the local community in fear and uncertainty. The sluice gate, part of a regulator with 23 gates designed to manage the flow of water from the Feni Muhuri River to the Bay of Bengal, gave way as the water level surged due to heavy rains and water from upstream in India.


Eyewitnesses reported scenes of panic as residents began evacuating the area, fearing that the influx of tidal water could submerge their homes. Resident Tasib described the situation as dire, with people fleeing in fear of being engulfed by the rising waters.


Ayub Ali, chairman of the Muchapur Union Parishad, expressed his concern over the incident, stating, “The regulator broke because it could not withstand the intense water pressure. Our Muchapur closure is over. Local people are crying. Everyone is helpless. If the tide is high, now the whole Companyganj will be washed away. Allah has no choice but to protect us.”


Munshi Amir Faisal, the Executive Engineer of the Water Development Board in Noakhali, confirmed the collapse of the sluice gate. He noted that although the gates had been opened earlier to alleviate the pressure, the massive volume of water ultimately proved too much for the structure. The incident has been reported to higher authorities for immediate action.


Companiganj Upazila Executive Officer (UNO), Md. Anwar Hossain Patwari, urged residents to avoid crowding near the damaged regulator to facilitate the work of engineers and emergency responders.


The situation remains critical, with local authorities and residents bracing for the worst as they await further developments.

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