
Severe flooding in eastern Bangladesh affects millions, disrupts travel and services

Severe flooding in eastern Bangladesh affects millions, disrupts travel and services

Widespread flooding continues to cause severe disruptions across eastern Bangladesh, following days of heavy rainfall during the ongoing monsoon season.

The incident took place in Dhaka-Feni-Chittagong Highway on August 22.
Visuals showed people navigating a massively flooded area using a rope with a lot of difficulty and a lot of regions getting overflowed with water level rising upto waist level.

According to reports, the relentless downpours, which began on August 20, have led to extensive flooding in the Chittagong and Sylhet Divisions, affecting nearly 3 million people.

Tragically, two flood-related deaths have been reported in Chittagong Division—one in Feni District and another in Brahmanbaria District. The floods have forced around 75,000 people to seek shelter in more than 1,500 emergency centers established across the affected regions. Additionally, nearly 190,000 families have been stranded as floodwaters inundate homes and neighborhoods.

The situation has also severely impacted transportation, with many roads, including sections of the Dhaka-Chittagong highway in Comilla District, underwater. Train services from Chattogram to other parts of the country have been suspended due to flooded tracks, and rail operations across Sylhet Division have also been halted. Power and communication outages have further complicated the situation in these flood-hit areas.

The Bangladesh Meteorological Department has issued a heavy rainfall warning for much of the country, including Chittagong and Sylhet Divisions, predicting further downpours through at least August 24. This additional rainfall could exacerbate the flooding, making recovery efforts more difficult.

The ongoing floods have also raised concerns about potential disease outbreaks. Stagnant water from flooding could become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and bacteria, heightening the risk of insect- and water-borne diseases. Contaminated floodwaters from industrial sites and sewer systems pose significant health risks to affected communities.

Authorities are urging residents to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions as the situation develops.

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