
Samsung billboard controversy in Pakistan leads to vandalism and apology

Samsung billboard controversy in Pakistan leads to vandalism and apology

A Samsung billboard at a major intersection in Pakistan became the center of a major controversy after some people noticed the word “Mohammed” written in Arabic within its QR code.


The incident took place in Pakistan on July 2.

Visuals showed a crowd of people destroying the billboard, and vandalizing all the Samsung showrooms.


According to reports, the QR code, generated by a computer algorithm, inadvertently sparked outrage among the local population.


The situation quickly escalated, leading to a crowd of thousands of people gathering to destroy the billboard. In the ensuing chaos, all Samsung showrooms in the area were vandalized. In response to the violent backlash, Samsung evacuated its employees from the region for their safety.


Samsung issued an apology, explaining that the QR code was generated by a computer and that there was no intention to offend anyone. The company expressed regret over the incident and reaffirmed its respect for all cultures and religions.


This incident underscores the importance of cultural sensitivity in global marketing and the potential consequences of unintentional offenses.

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