
Pregnant woman rescued by villagers after being stranded on riverbank amidst heavy rains in central India

Pregnant woman rescued by villagers after being stranded on riverbank amidst heavy rains in central India

Amid torrential rains that have caused rivers across central India’s Madhya Pradesh to overflow, a pregnant woman found herself stranded on the other side of a flooded river. Local villagers and the administration carried out a swift rescue operation to bring her to safety.


The incident took place near a river in a rural area of Damoh district on August 17.

Visuals showed a group of people are seen carrying a pregnant woman on a makeshift stretcher, lifting her on their shoulders as they navigate through a challenging environment. The woman appears to be in a frail condition, her face reflecting exhaustion and distress. The stretcher is made of simple materials, hastily assembled to ensure her safety.


Another scene is chaotic with floodwaters surging through the area. Rescue teams, equipped with essential gear, are actively engaged in saving others trapped in the flood. People are being guided to higher, safer ground, while the rescuers work tirelessly to bring everyone to safety amidst the ongoing crisis. The urgency of the situation is palpable, with both the rescuers and the victims displaying a mix of determination and desperation.


Madhya Pradesh is currently experiencing severe rainfall, with rivers across the state breaching danger levels. In Damoh district, the situation is particularly dire as heavy rains have caused rivers to swell beyond capacity. Earlier this morning, a pregnant woman attempting to reach the hospital became stranded on the far side of a river that had overflowed its banks.

As the river surged over the bridge, the woman, already in distress from labor pains, was unable to cross. Villagers immediately notified the local administration, which quickly responded by deploying a rescue team to the site. The villagers, using makeshift materials, constructed a temporary path to assist in the rescue. Thanks to their collective efforts, the woman was safely brought to the hospital.


Meanwhile, the administration has issued repeated warnings, urging the public to avoid crossing flooded bridges and to stay indoors. Despite these warnings, many people continue to risk their lives by crossing dangerous areas. The recent events in Damoh underscore the perilous conditions caused by the ongoing rains, highlighting both the risks and the resilience of the local communities.


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