
Northern India’s road flooded again: autos submerged, traffic disrupted after heavy rain

Northern India’s road flooded again: autos submerged, traffic disrupted after heavy rain

Heavy rainfall in northern India’s Delhi has once again caused severe flooding on Minto Road, submerging autos and creating major traffic disruptions. The sudden downpour led to water levels rising to waist-deep on the streets, leaving commuters stranded and prompting the Delhi Police to issue a traffic advisory.


The incident took place at Minto Road in Delhi on August 20.

Visuals showed after the recent rainfall on Minto Road, extensive waterlogging has occurred, causing significant flooding. The street was inundated with water, leaving only the top portion of an auto-rickshaw visible, barely protruding from the surface. The surrounding area was completely submerged, with water levels extending over a considerable distance and reaching a height that made the auto appear almost entirely submerged.


On the morning of August 20, Delhi was hit by a torrential downpour that transformed several areas into temporary water bodies. Minto Road, in particular, faced significant flooding, with autos completely submerged under the rising water. The situation was so dire that vehicles were rendered immobile, and road conditions became hazardous.


In one notable incident, an auto-rickshaw driver named Munil Mehto was forced to abandon his vehicle as it became trapped in the floodwaters. “My vehicle suddenly stopped. I asked other drivers for help but had to exit my auto for safety. My vehicle papers are still inside,” he explained.


Other areas, such as ITO, also experienced extensive waterlogging, which led to a slowdown in traffic. The Delhi Police promptly issued a traffic advisory, warning commuters of the flooding and recommending alternative routes. Key areas affected include Mundka, Minto Bridge, IP Marg, and Mangi Bridge.


The rapid onset of the heavy rain left many office-goers and school students struggling to navigate their routes, exacerbating the already challenging commuting conditions.

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