
Major accident averted in northern India as LPG cylinder bursts in transport vehicle

Major accident averted in northern India as LPG cylinder bursts in transport vehicle

A major accident was narrowly avoided in northern India’s Jammu and Kashmir when an LPG gas cylinder burst inside a vehicle loaded with multiple cylinders. 


The incident took place in Poonch city on July 1.

Visuals showed the cylinder suddenly burst and smoke erupted scaring the neighbourhood for a while but no one was close to the blast.


The incident occurred in the heart of the city, raising immediate alarm among residents and authorities.


The vehicle, transporting a large number of LPG cylinders, was parked on a busy street when the explosion happened. Fortunately, there were no casualties as swift action by local emergency services and the quick evacuation of the area prevented any injuries. 


Local authorities are investigating the cause of the burst and have urged citizens to follow safety protocols when handling LPG cylinders. This incident highlights the critical need for stringent safety measures in the transportation of hazardous materials.

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