
Jewellery showroom robbed after neighbours drill hole through wall in northern India

Jewellery showroom robbed after neighbours drill hole through wall in northern India

In a daring heist, a jewellery showroom in northern India’s Delhi fell victim to a robbery allegedly orchestrated by a group of individuals who drilled a hole through the shop’s wall.

The incident took place at Dariba Kalan area of North Delhi on May 13.

Visuals showed in a cluttered shop, scattered items lay strewn about after a theft, with drawers and safes emptied of their silverware.

The daring burglary came to light after a PCR call alerted the police station of the robbery. Responding promptly, a police team arrived at the scene to find the showroom, which had been securely locked by its owner the previous Saturday evening, breached through a hole made from an adjacent, uninhabited shop.

Upon inspection, it was discovered that a significant amount of silver items had been pilfered from the jewellery store. The perpetrators, taking advantage of the dilapidated condition of the neighboring property, executed their plan with precision, leaving the owners of the showroom in shock and disbelief upon their return.

Forensic experts meticulously examined the crime scene for any potential evidence, while authorities are scouring CCTV footage for leads to apprehend the culprits. Meanwhile, a case has been registered against the unknown assailants as the investigation continues to unravel the details of this audacious robbery that has rattled the local community and raised concerns about security measures in commercial areas.

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