Indian Army deploys use of trained kites to take down enemy drones, in northern India

The Indian Army officers were seen demonstrating the use of trained kites to take down enemy drones in northern India’s Uttarakhand.
The incident happened during the ongoing joint exercise between India and the United States of America, named ‘Yuddh Abhyas’ at Auli and its video went viral on November 29.
Visuals showed one of these kites flying from the hands of an officer into the air and releasing a piece of paper. According to a report, the kite was named, ‘Arjun’ and the Indian army created a situation where it used both the bird and a dog to identify and destroy enemy drones.
The dog would alert the army after it has heard a drone and the kite’s role is to eliminate it in the air. It is one
of a kind use of these predatory birds and according to the army, this would help bring down the number of cases of drones from across the Pakistan border that carry drugs, arms and ammunition.