
Giant 350 kg ‘Elephant Ear Fish’ caught off coast by fishermen

Giant 350 kg ‘Elephant Ear Fish’ caught off coast by fishermen

A massive 350 kg Elephant Earfish was caught by fishermen, making it a rare and exceptional catch.

The fish was caught in Mannar Bay, Ramanathapuram district, Tamil Nadu, on December 28.

Visuals show the enormous fish being hauled in by the fishermen and then released back into the water from the boat, later being surrounded by the fishermen.

According to reports, the Elephant Ear Fish is an extraordinary catch that has captivated both locals and marine enthusiasts. The fishermen, who were out early in the morning, spotted the large fish while trawling in the bay. They immediately recognized it as an Elephant earfish, a species known for its distinctive appearance and impressive size.


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