
First batch of Hindu refugees from Bangladesh arrive at border amidst rising tensions

First batch of Hindu refugees from Bangladesh arrive at border amidst rising tensions

In a significant development, the first batch of Hindu refugees from Bangladesh has reached the Indian border, fleeing violence and persecution instigated by Islamist groups.


The video went viral on August 6.

Visuals showed at the Bangladesh border, a large crowd of Hindu families, visibly distressed and exhausted, is preparing to cross into India. The scene is filled with makeshift bags and worn-out clothing, as they anxiously wait for assistance. Their faces reflect a mix of fear and hope, seeking safety from religious violence.


The initial group of Hindu refugees, numbering in the hundreds, arrived at the Indian border, seeking safety from escalating violence in their native villages in Bangladesh. Reports indicate that Islamist extremists have been targeting Hindu communities, forcing them to abandon their homes and seek refuge across the border.

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