
Extreme weather ravages city in southern India: severe rain and hailstorm cause chaos

Extreme weather ravages city in southern India: severe rain and hailstorm cause chaos

City in southern India’s Karnataka found itself in the grips of a fierce battle against nature as severe rain and hail storms lashed the city, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

The incident took place in Bengaluru on June 2.

Visuals showed the heavy rainfall clogging the roads and causing traffic jams in the city, with pedestrians waiting for the downpour to stop.

The typically bustling streets were transformed into scenes of chaos and upheaval, with trees uprooted and vehicles damaged as the ferocious weather took its toll on the city.

In a series of stunning images captured by local photographers, the extent of the devastation wrought by the unrelenting downpour is vividly depicted. Trees, once towering symbols of Bengaluru’s lush greenery, now lay strewn across roads, their roots torn from the earth by the force of the storm. Cars, too, bore the brunt of nature’s fury, their exteriors battered and bruised by hailstones the size of marbles.

For residents of Bengaluru, accustomed to the city’s mild climate and gentle showers, the severity of this recent weather event came as a shock. Streets transformed into rivers as torrential rain poured down from the heavens, inundating low-lying areas and causing widespread disruption to daily life.

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