Doctor in central India coats car with cow dung to keep it cool

Sushil Sagar, a homeopathic doctor from central India’s Madhya Pradesh coated his car with cow dung to keep it cool amid the increasing rise in temperature.
The doctor hails from the Sagar district of the state.
Visuals showed his car completely coated with cow dung. He drove the vehicle and went to his clinic where he was seen talking to a patient.
The vehicle, originally white in colour, got a brown touch to it with the cow dung being used to coat it. Sagar believes that the sheet of cow dung would prevent his car from heating up in the soaring temperature. Moreover, he also says that the AC inside the car also works well. Interestingly, this is not the first time that someone has coated his/her vehicle in cow dung. It has happened several times in the past as well. The dung prevents the sun’s rays from heating up the car, keeping it cool.
Cow is revered as a holy animal as per Hindu mythology.