
Burning iron rod thrown at elephants by villagers in eastern India

Burning iron rod thrown at elephants by villagers in eastern India

In a tragic incident in eastern India’s West Bengal, a pregnant elephant was killed by a group known as the ‘Hula party,’ who used burning iron rods to drive the animal away.

The incident took place in Jhargram district on August 15.

Visuals showed the elephant writhing in agony after flaming iron nails were hurled at it from a nearby house. The footage ends with the elephant collapsing and dying from its burns on the road.

According to reports, the incident has sparked outrage as it not only highlights the ineffectiveness of the state’s wildlife protection measures but also constitutes a violation of an order by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, which had restricted the use of fireballs and spikes to deter elephants.

The pregnant elephant, along with her calf, had strayed into Jhargram town on Thursday. In full view of West Bengal Forest Department personnel, the elephant was brutally attacked, leaving her struggling to walk and in excruciating pain. The animal eventually collapsed and died from the injuries inflicted by the villagers.

This incident has raised serious concerns about the state government’s inability to protect wildlife, despite having committed to the Supreme Court to refrain from using inhumane methods to control elephant movements. The state had previously assured the court that such brutal tactics would not be employed and that they would seek advice from the Wildlife Institute of India on more humane deterrent methods.

Critics are now calling for accountability and demanding that those responsible for the elephant’s death be punished under the law. This event has further intensified scrutiny of the West Bengal government’s handling of wildlife protection and its compliance with court orders.

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