Buffalo rescued after it fell into well in central India

A buffalo was rescued after it had fallen into a well filled with water in central India’s Madhya Pradesh.
#Watch: Buffalo rescued after it fell into well in central India#Buffalo #MadhyaPradeshhttps://t.co/vofuK0hf2T pic.twitter.com/KdJ6WXa2pN
— Newslions (@newslions_live) December 20, 2023
This incident happened in Shahdol district on December 16.
Visuals showed the buffalo inside of the well. The animal stood in the water and one of the rescuers got down with the help of a rope and tied one around the bovine. The buffalo was a bit enraged and resisted the efforts of the rescuer who tried to tie a rope around its body. He eventually succeeded and a crane was used to lift up the animal from the well.
The buffalo tried to free itself from the crane after it was brought out and it ran away as soon as it was freed. The rescue operation was conducted by the Atal Kamdhenu Gausevak Sansthan and it took place between 5:16pm to 6:01 pm Indian Standard Time.