
Bear climbs transformer gets electrocuted in northern India

Bear climbs transformer gets electrocuted in northern India
In the northern India’s Himachal Pradesh, a heartbreaking incident occurred resulting in the deaths of a female bear and her cub due to electrocution.
The incident took place in Dalhousie area of Chamba district on August 15.
Visuals showed how after climbing the transformer the bear got electrocuted and fell down with a thud and died on spot.
According to reports, the tragedy unfolded when the curious cub climbed a transformer pole while moving through a forest. Upon contact, the cub was electrocuted. In a desperate attempt to save her cub, the mother bear also climbed the pole and was tragically electrocuted as well.
On the morning of August 16, local authorities discovered the lifeless bodies of the mother bear and her cub. The Wildlife Department quickly formed a committee to investigate the incident. This committee, comprising officials from both the Wildlife and Forestry Departments, conducted a post-mortem examination, which was documented on video to ensure transparency and prevent any misuse of the remains. The bears were cremated under strict supervision.
This tragic event has sparked outrage among local residents and wildlife enthusiasts, who are now calling for immediate action to prevent such incidents in the future. The lack of protective measures around transformers in areas frequented by wildlife has been identified as a significant concern. Had appropriate barriers been installed, this devastating loss of life could have been prevented.

The exposed transformer proved to be a deadly hazard for the bears as they navigated their natural habitat. Just days before, the bears had been seen roaming the forests of Dalhousie, only to meet an untimely and preventable end due to human negligence. This incident underscores the serious risks posed to wildlife by inadequate infrastructure and highlights the urgent need for improved safety measures in regions where wildlife and human-made structures intersect.


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