
Baba’s fiery blessings: Saint sits on hot iron to bestow grace on followers in India

Baba’s fiery blessings: Saint sits on hot iron to bestow grace on followers in India

A revered spiritual leader, known affectionately as Baba, has taken to sitting on a scorching hot iron surface as a unique way to bless his devoted followers.


The video went viral on July 5.

Visuals showed a baba was seated on a scorching hot iron seat, with a fierce fire blazing beneath it, fueled by logs of burning wood. Devotees were diligently adjusting the flames and adding or removing wood to maintain the fire’s intensity. Despite the intense heat and the crackling of the fire, the baba remained composed, calmly smoking. His serene demeanor contrasted sharply with the blazing fire below, as he blessed his followers who had gathered around, their faces reflecting a mix of awe and reverence.

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