
Auto driver creates chaos takes vehicle inside hospital in western India

Auto driver creates chaos takes vehicle inside hospital in western India

An auto driver caused panic at a Hospital in western India’s Gujarat after driving his auto directly into the hospital’s OPD.

The incident took place at G.G Hospital in Jamnagar on June 5.

Visuals showed in the OPD area of a hospital, an auto-rickshaw suddenly appeared, surprising the patients and onlookers. Chaos ensued momentarily as people watched in disbelief. After a brief pause, the auto made a swift U-turn and exited the premises, leaving behind a puzzled crowd and questions about security.

According to reports, the rickshaw driver entered the OPD to drop off a patient. Witnesses described scenes of chaos as patients, visitors, and hospital staff ran in all directions, unsure of the driver’s intentions or what might happen next. The driver, after unloading the patient, quickly made a U-turn and exited the hospital premises.

This incident has added to the ongoing issues faced by the hospital, which has previously dealt with problems such as stray animals wandering through its grounds. The hospital administration is now under pressure to improve its security measures to prevent such occurrences in the future.

Local authorities have been informed, and an investigation is underway to understand how the driver was able to access the OPD so easily. Meanwhile, the hospital staff is reassuring the public that steps will be taken to enhance security and ensure the safety of patients and visitors.

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