Ordinary farmer forms extraordinary bond with monkeys

Ordinary farmer forms extraordinary bond with monkeys

Ordinary farmer forms extraordinary bond with monkeys

Ordinary farmer forms extraordinary bond with monkeys

Fire at offerings counter of temple forces swift evacuation of devotees

Fire at offerings counter of temple forces swift evacuation of devotees

Fire at offerings counter of temple forces swift evacuation of devotees

Fire at offerings counter of temple forces swift evacuation of devotees

YouTuber faces saint’s wrath with tongs at Mahakumbh Mela in India

YouTuber faces saint’s wrath with tongs at Mahakumbh Mela in India

Man drives away aggressive rhino with stick, forcing it to back off

Man drives away aggressive rhino with stick, forcing it to back off

Man drives away aggressive rhino with stick, forcing it to back off

Man drives away aggressive rhino with stick, forcing it to back off

Provoked elephant chases man after relentless teasing

Provoked elephant chases man after relentless teasing

Provoked elephant chases man after relentless teasing

Provoked elephant chases man after relentless teasing

Elephant rampage leaves multiple injured during festival in India

Elephant rampage leaves multiple injured during festival in India

Stranded bison freed from 30-foot well of village

Stranded bison freed from 30-foot well of village

Ordinary farmer forms extraordinary bond with monkeys

Ordinary farmer forms extraordinary bond with monkeys

Heartwarming tale! Housemaker showers abandoned monkey with affection; forms adorable bond

Heartwarming tale! Housemaker showers abandoned monkey with affection; forms adorable bond

Farmers combat monkey menace by dressing as bear

Farmers combat monkey menace by dressing as bear

Farmers combat monkey menace by dressing as bear

Farmers combat monkey menace by dressing as bear

Rhino charges tourist vehicle during safari turning adventure into chaos

Rhino charges tourist vehicle during safari turning adventure into chaos

Rhino charges tourist vehicle during safari turning adventure into chaos

Rhino charges tourist vehicle during safari turning adventure into chaos

Update: Fire destroys train bogie in goods shed yard, investigation underway

Update: Fire destroys train bogie in goods shed yard, investigation underway

Update: Fire destroys train bogie in goods shed yard, investigation underway

Update: Fire destroys train bogie in goods shed yard, investigation underway

Update: Heartwarming tale! Housemaker showers abandoned monkey with affection; forms adorable bond

Update: Heartwarming tale! Housemaker showers abandoned monkey with affection; forms adorable bond

Hair loss epidemic unleashes panic after villagers go bald within week

Hair loss epidemic unleashes panic after villagers go bald within week

Hair loss epidemic unleashes panic after villagers go bald within week

Hair loss epidemic unleashes panic after villagers go bald within week

Stranded bison freed from 30-foot well of village

Stranded bison freed from 30-foot well of village

Stranded bison freed from 30-foot well of village

Stranded bison freed from 30-foot well of village

Predawn leopard sighting spark panic amongst residents

Predawn leopard sighting spark panic amongst residents

Predawn leopard sighting spark panic amongst residents

Predawn leopard sighting spark panic amongst residents

Heartwarming tale! Housemaker showers abandoned monkey with affection; forms adorable bond

Heartwarming tale! Housemaker showers abandoned monkey with affection; forms adorable bond

Heartwarming tale! Housemaker showers abandoned monkey with affection; forms adorable bond

Heartwarming tale! Housemaker showers abandoned monkey with affection; forms adorable bond

440 modified bike silencers crushed with road roller following seizure

440 modified bike silencers crushed with road roller following seizure

440 modified bike silencers crushed with road roller following seizure

440 modified bike silencers crushed with road roller following seizure

Car crashes into electric pole, runs over student’s leg sparking panic

Car crashes into electric pole, runs over student’s leg sparking panic

Car crashes into electric pole, runs over student’s leg sparking panic

Car crashes into electric pole, runs over student’s leg sparking panic

Elephant sparks commotion in residential colony early morning

Elephant sparks commotion in residential colony early morning

Elephant sparks commotion in residential colony early morning

Elephant sparks commotion in residential colony early morning

Elephant rampage leaves multiple injured during festival in India

Elephant rampage leaves multiple injured during festival in India

Monkey barges into apartment, leaves fridge along with furniture in tatters

Monkey barges into apartment, leaves fridge along with furniture in tatters

Fishermen rescue 13-feet long whale shark from net, guide it back to ocean

Fishermen rescue 13-feet long whale shark from net, guide it back to ocean

Fishermen rescue 13-feet long whale shark from net, guide it back to ocean

Fishermen rescue 13-feet long whale shark from net, guide it back to ocean

Dog faces off with wild elephant in Nepal

Dog faces off with wild elephant in Nepal

Tourists left horrified as tiger’s savage hunt on wild boar unfolds before their eyes

Tourists left horrified as tiger’s savage hunt on wild boar unfolds before their eyes

Tourists left horrified as tiger’s savage hunt on wild boar unfolds before their eyes

Tourists left horrified as tiger’s savage hunt on wild boar unfolds before their eyes

Man steals six trays of eggs leaving vendor helpless

Man steals six trays of eggs leaving vendor helpless

Man steals six trays of eggs leaving vendor helpless

Man steals six trays of eggs leaving vendor helpless

Update: Dog faces off with wild elephant in Nepal

Update: Dog faces off with wild elephant in Nepal

Snow leopards playfully slide across snowy terrain leaving viewers mesmerized

Snow leopards playfully slide across snowy terrain leaving viewers mesmerized

Dog faces off with wild elephant in nepal

Dog faces off with wild elephant in nepal

Powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake leaves Nepal trembling

Powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake leaves Nepal trembling

Powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake leaves Nepal trembling

Powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake leaves Nepal trembling

Adventure turns disastrous as ice cracks send tourists plunging into frozen lake

Adventure turns disastrous as ice cracks send tourists plunging into frozen lake

Wild cat attacks dog near human settlement, sparks panic

Wild cat attacks dog near human settlement, sparks panic

Wild cat attacks dog near human settlement, sparks panic

Wild cat attacks dog near human settlement, sparks panic

Update: Villagers stunned after manual water pump mysteriously spits fire instead of water

Update: Villagers stunned after manual water pump mysteriously spits fire instead of water

Update: Adventure turns disastrous as ice cracks send tourists plunging into frozen lake

Update: Adventure turns disastrous as ice cracks send tourists plunging into frozen lake

Leopard barges into house at midnight, sparks panic

Leopard barges into house at midnight, sparks panic

Leopard barges into house at midnight, sparks panic

Leopard barges into house at midnight, sparks panic

Safari tour turns nightmare as mother daughter duo tumble from jeep, land in front of charging rhinos

Safari tour turns nightmare as mother daughter duo tumble from jeep, land in front of charging rhinos

Tragedy at runway unfolds as plane crash sends massive black fumes skywards

Tragedy at runway unfolds as plane crash sends massive black fumes skywards

Tragedy at runway unfolds as plane crash sends massive black fumes skywards

Tragedy at runway unfolds as plane crash sends massive black fumes skywards

Monkey barges into courtroom, inspects files as legal proceedings continue

Monkey barges into courtroom, inspects files as legal proceedings continue

Monkey barges into courtroom, inspects files as legal proceedings continue

Monkey barges into courtroom, inspects files as legal proceedings continue

Villagers stunned after manual water pump mysteriously spits fire instead of water

Villagers stunned after manual water pump mysteriously spits fire instead of water

Villagers stunned after manual water pump mysteriously spits fire instead of water

Villagers stunned after manual water pump mysteriously spits fire instead of water

Adventure turns disastrous as ice cracks send tourists plunging into frozen lake

Adventure turns disastrous as ice cracks send tourists plunging into frozen lake

Adventure turns disastrous as ice cracks send tourists plunging into frozen lake

Adventure turns disastrous as ice cracks send tourists plunging into frozen lake

Indian Navy skydivers avert disaster after parachutes entangle midair

Indian Navy skydivers avert disaster after parachutes entangle midair

Indian Navy skydivers avert disaster after parachutes entangle midair

Indian Navy skydivers avert disaster after parachutes entangle midair

Troop of monkeys sparks buzz in locality during unexpected stroll

Troop of monkeys sparks buzz in locality during unexpected stroll

Troop of monkeys sparks buzz in locality during unexpected stroll

Troop of monkeys sparks buzz in locality during unexpected stroll

Fierce fire unfolds at under-construction building sparking panic among workers

Fierce fire unfolds at under-construction building sparking panic among workers

Fierce fire unfolds at under-construction building sparking panic among workers

Fierce fire unfolds at under-construction building sparking panic among workers

Two men self-immolate amid protest against toxic waste disposal

Two men self-immolate amid protest against toxic waste disposal

Two men self-immolate amid protest against toxic waste disposal

Two men self-immolate amid protest against toxic waste disposal

Farmer’s field produces giant five-foot-nine bottle gourd, creating buzz in village

Farmer’s field produces giant five-foot-nine bottle gourd, creating buzz in village

From cooking flatbreads to cleaning utensils, this Indian monkey tackles chores like pro!

From cooking flatbreads to cleaning utensils, this Indian monkey tackles chores like pro!

Out-of-control car tumbles three times after crashing into pedestrians

Out-of-control car tumbles three times after crashing into pedestrians

Out-of-control car tumbles three times after crashing into pedestrians

Out-of-control car tumbles three times after crashing into pedestrians

Heavy snow blocks roads in northern India, calls for immediate snow clearance operations

Heavy snow blocks roads in northern India, calls for immediate snow clearance operations

Heavy snow blocks roads in northern India, calls for immediate snow clearance operations

Heavy snow blocks roads in northern India, calls for immediate snow clearance operations

Dramatic footage shows bike crashing into divider, flinging riders into air

Dramatic footage shows bike crashing into divider, flinging riders into air

MLA collapses from stadium gallery, sustains serious injuries

MLA collapses from stadium gallery, sustains serious injuries

MLA collapses from stadium gallery, sustains serious injuries

MLA collapses from stadium gallery, sustains serious injuries

Miniature artist rings into New Year by crafting “Welcome 2025” on his pencil

Miniature artist rings into New Year by crafting “Welcome 2025” on his pencil

Hyena injuries three in residential area before swift capture

Hyena injuries three in residential area before swift capture

Hyena injuries three in residential area before swift capture

Hyena injuries three in residential area before swift capture

From cooking flatbreads to cleaning utensils, this Indian monkey tackles chores like pro!

From cooking flatbreads to cleaning utensils, this Indian monkey tackles chores like pro!

Leopard sparks panic in residential area, rescued after three-hour operation

Leopard sparks panic in residential area, rescued after three-hour operation

Bullock cart helps Ferrari out of a sandy situation for young tourist

Bullock cart helps Ferrari out of a sandy situation for young tourist

Fierce blaze destroys village house leaving neighbours in panic

Fierce blaze destroys village house leaving neighbours in panic

Fierce blaze destroys village house leaving neighbours in panic

Fierce blaze destroys village house leaving neighbours in panic

Electric car betrays midway, bullock cart gives it old-school tow!

Electric car betrays midway, bullock cart gives it old-school tow!

Electric car betrays midway, bullock cart gives it old-school tow!

Electric car betrays midway, bullock cart gives it old-school tow!

Fierce blaze sweeps 50 shops at market triggering widespread panic

Fierce blaze sweeps 50 shops at market triggering widespread panic

ISRO propels India into elite league with successful twin spacecraft orbit injection

ISRO propels India into elite league with successful twin spacecraft orbit injection

Man discovers dazzling 4.1-carat diamond worth 11,685 USD

Man discovers dazzling 4.1-carat diamond worth 11,685 USD

Elderly man topples into open chamber during power outage

Elderly man topples into open chamber during power outage

Elderly man topples into open chamber during power outage

Elderly man topples into open chamber during power outage

Leopard rescued from monastery after lengthy seven-hour rescue operation

Leopard rescued from monastery after lengthy seven-hour rescue operation

Leopard rescued from monastery after lengthy seven-hour rescue operation

Leopard rescued from monastery after lengthy seven-hour rescue operation

Devotees unite to rescue boy with head caught in queue grill of temple

Devotees unite to rescue boy with head caught in queue grill of temple

Devotees unite to rescue boy with head caught in queue grill of temple

Devotees unite to rescue boy with head caught in queue grill of temple

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