
Cattle thieves in western India: midnight smuggling of sacred cows

Cattle thieves in western India: midnight smuggling of sacred cows

In a disturbing incident from western India’s Maharashtra, a group of cow smugglers were seen stealing cattle from local farmers under the cover of darkness.

The incident took place in Beed city on August 31.



Visuals showed how the two men in the cover of darkness tied a rope around the cow and dragged it along there way towards the vehicle.

According to reports, these smugglers, often part of organized groups, transport the stolen cows in private vehicles to illegal slaughterhouses, where they are sold for meat. The act, known as cow smuggling, is highly controversial in India due to the cow’s sacred status in Hinduism.



Cow protection is a sensitive issue in India, and such incidents often spark outrage. Law enforcement has been tightening surveillance, but smugglers continue to find ways to evade authorities.


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