
Man in central India turns into “Dog-Man” after bite, bites locals and eats raw meat

Man in central India turns into “Dog-Man” after bite, bites locals and eats raw meat

In a bizarre incident from central India’s Madhya Pradesh, a local sweeper named Sonu has left the community in fear after being bitten by a stray dog.

The incident took place in Sagar district on August 20.

Visuals showed a state of scattered vegetables crushed to shapeless things, a horrible sight to witness looking as miserable as a market hit by a typhoon.

According to reports, following the bite, Sonu began displaying disturbing behavior, mimicking a dog by biting people and consuming raw meat. This alarming situation has caused widespread panic among the vendors and shoppers in the market.

According to vegetable vendors like Salim, Fahin, and Naveen Thakur, Sonu is a simple sweeper in the market who spends his earnings on alcohol. After drinking, Sonu reportedly starts acting crazy, scaring the locals with his strange actions. Despite efforts to get the police and his brother, who works at a bar, involved, Sonu remains in the market, further intensifying the fear among the people.

Dr. Sumit Rawat from Bundelkhand Medical College assured that rabies does not spread from human to human, but Sonu’s behavior is likely due to a psychological issue following the dog bite. Despite receiving rabies injections, Sonu’s condition shows no improvement, and the community remains on edge, urging his family to take responsibility for his well-being.


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