
Cobra found in school bag in central India, safely rescued by snake catcher

Cobra found in school bag in central India, safely rescued by snake catcher

In a shocking incident in central India’s Madhya Pradesh, a cobra was found inside a child’s school bag, causing widespread panic. The snake was safely rescued by a local snake catcher and released into the wild.


The incident took place in Jamathti village, which is located in the Betul district on August 22.

Visuals showed inside a house, in one of the rooms, a snake had slithered into a little girl’s school bag. A snake catcher was trying to carefully remove the snake using a specialized tool. After several attempts, he decided to lift the entire school bag and carry it outside to the open courtyard, where there was more space and light to safely extract the snake.

Once in the courtyard, the snake catcher carefully unzipped the bag completely, giving the snake more room to come out. He worked patiently, and after some time, he was finally able to coax the snake out of the bag. With precision and care, the snake expert placed the snake into a container, ensuring that it was safely secured.


On Thursday, a terrifying discovery was made in Jamathti village, Betul, when a highly venomous cobra was found nestled inside a child’s school bag. The incident unfolded at the home of Phool Chand Barskar, who noticed the snake while searching for it after spotting it in his house. As the search continued, they noticed the school bag moving slightly, raising suspicions. Upon inspection, they found the cobra inside.


The family immediately contacted local snake catcher Vishal Vishwakarma and his team, who arrived at the scene within 10 minutes. With great caution, they retrieved the snake from the bag, despite its attempts to bite multiple times. The cobra, identified as a spectacled cobra, measured approximately five feet in length. Vishal explained that this species is highly venomous, and a bite from it could prove fatal within 45 minutes if not treated promptly.


After safely removing the cobra from the school bag, Vishal and his team released it into the nearby forest. He advised residents to exercise caution, especially during the post-monsoon season when snakes often venture into homes in search of food. He also recommended checking under beds, behind furniture, and in crevices before entering dark areas, and using a flashlight when moving around at night.

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