
Student killed during quota reform protests sparks outrage in Bangladesh

Student killed during quota reform protests sparks outrage in Bangladesh
Abu Sayeed, a 25-year-old student from Begum Rokeya University, was fatally injured during a clash between police and quota reform protesters at the university’s main gate. 
The incident took place in Rangpur district on July 16.
Visuals showed Sayeed at the forefront of the protest when police fired rubber bullets, striking him and causing severe injuries.
According to reports, despite efforts by fellow protesters to rush him to Rangpur Medical College Hospital, Sayeed was declared dead on arrival. His death is the first of six reported in the ongoing protests for quota reform in government jobs, which have sparked widespread anger and frustration.
Anjan Roy, a close friend, described the chaos and delays in getting Sayeed to the hospital. The head of the surgery department at the hospital, Hriday Ranjan Roy, confirmed multiple rubber bullet wounds on Sayeed’s body, with an autopsy pending to determine the exact cause of death.
Sayeed, a key coordinator of the movement at his university, is being hailed as a martyr. Students have already named the location where he was shot “Shaheed Abu Sayeed Chattar” on Google Maps in his honor.
Sayeed’s recent Facebook post commemorated Syed Mohammad Shamsuddoha, a proctor who died protecting students during the 1969 protests against Pakistani forces, reflecting his deep commitment to the cause. Sayeed hailed from Babnapur village in Pirganj, Rangpur.
His death has intensified the protests and drawn significant attention on social media, with many expressing their grief and admiration for his dedication to the reform movement.

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