
Monkey menace escalates in northern India: 5-year-old attacked

Monkey menace escalates in northern India: 5-year-old attacked

The increasing menace of monkeys in northern India was starkly illustrated once again when a group of monkeys attacked a 5-year-old boy.

The incident took place at Madan Mohan Ghera area of Vrindavan and the video went viral on July 13.

Visuals showed a group of monkeys gathered in the area with a few women standing at a distance. The boy is seen running to escape the monkeys, but two of them attack, knocking him to the ground. As boy fell, the monkeys attempted to bite him. The women present were too scared to intervene, but their shouts attracted the attention of other people in the alley who rushed to boy’s aid. Despite the frightening ordeal, he managed to escape from the monkeys without any serious injuries.

According to reports Gopal Chaturvedi’s 5-year-old son, Kishan, was returning home when the attack occurred. As Kishan approached the stairs leading to the Madan Mohan Temple, a group of monkeys suddenly attacked him. The sudden assault frightened Kishan, causing him to scream.

The problem of aggressive monkeys in Mathura and Vrindavan is significant. Monkeys frequently attack people, causing injuries. In Vrindavan, residents have learned not to wear glasses or carry visible items like mobile phones and wallets, as monkeys are known to snatch them away.

Despite repeated appeals for action, authorities have yet to address the issue effectively. The aggressive behavior of the monkeys is attributed to the drastic changes in their natural habitat. Around 15 years ago, Vrindavan was surrounded by gardens and orchards, which have since been replaced by buildings. The lack of adequate food and shelter has led to increased aggression among the monkeys as they struggle to survive.

The ongoing construction in Vrindavan does not include the planting of fruit-bearing and shade-giving trees, exacerbating the problem. Until significant measures are taken to restore the natural environment and provide adequate resources for the monkeys, the threat they pose to residents and visitors alike will likely continue to grow.

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