
Violent clash over land dispute in northern India: police remain passive spectators

Violent clash over land dispute in northern India: police remain passive spectators

A violent confrontation between two groups erupted in northern India’s Uttar Pradesh over a land dispute, with police officers standing by as silent spectators.

The incident took place at Gopalpur Village in Gopalpur and the video went viral on June 9.

Visuals showed in a village, during the construction of a plot, a man was breaking down a small wall. Suddenly, a group of people arrived, and a fight broke out between them. Soon, the man’s group also showed up, and the altercation escalated into a full-blown brawl involving everyone present, including women.

According to reports a fierce brawl broke out between two factions in Gopalpur village, located within the Dhata police station jurisdiction, over a contentious land dispute. The situation escalated dramatically when one group resorted to using rods to assault members of the opposing faction.

Eyewitnesses reported that the conflict stemmed from an attempt by one party to forcibly occupy a plot of land. The violent encounter left an elderly man and several women bloodied and bruised. The elderly man, who had opposed the land grab, faced the brunt of the attack.

Despite the severity of the altercation, police officers at the scene, including a constable and a sub-inspector, were seen making only minimal attempts to intervene. As the situation worsened, they chose to step back, avoiding direct involvement in the increasingly violent fray.


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