
Drunken incident in western India: woman sets scooter ablaze after collision, police launch investigation

Drunken incident in western India: woman sets scooter ablaze after collision, police launch investigation

A startling incident unfolded in western India’s Gujarat, as a woman’s drunken escapade took a destructive turn, leaving bystanders and authorities baffled.

 The incident took place near Sayaji hotel in Rajkot city, involved a collision between two scooters, escalating into a bizarre confrontation on June 6.

Visuals showed a heated argument between the woman involved in the collision and bystanders, with the woman brandishing a sickle in a menacing manner. As tensions escalated, the situation took a drastic turn when the woman, unable to escape, resorted to drastic measures. The woman proceeded to set her own scooter ablaze, fueling the flames with petrol from the vehicle’s tank before fleeing the scene.

Rajkot police swiftly launched an investigation into the incident, seeking to apprehend the woman responsible for the destructive act. The viral footage served as crucial evidence in the ongoing search for the perpetrator, highlighting the role of social media in aiding law enforcement efforts.

As the search for the woman continues, the incident serves as a cautionary tale of the consequences of reckless behaviour under the influence of alcohol. It underscores the importance of responsible decision-making and the potential dangers of impaired judgement, both for individuals involved and the community at large.

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