
70 picnickers rescued from rising waters at waterfall in western India

70 picnickers rescued from rising waters at waterfall in western India

Heavy rainfall at a waterfall in western India’s Goa left 70 picnickers stranded, prompting a swift and coordinated rescue operation by local authorities.

The incident took place at Pali waterfall in Thane-Sattari on July 7.

Visuals showed the rescue team faced a challenging situation as they worked to save the stranded tourists at Pali waterfall. The heavy rainfall had caused a significant rise in water levels, resulting in a strong and rapid current. The rescuers used ropes to secure and guide the tourists to safety. The water’s powerful flow made it difficult for anyone to stay in one place for long, adding to the urgency and complexity of the operation. The team had to carefully navigate through the turbulent waters, ensuring that everyone was safely pulled out and brought to solid ground through alternative routes. The scene was one of intense coordination and effort, with rescuers battling the elements to bring the tourists to safety.

Around 70 picnickers who ventured to the Pali waterfall in Thane-Sattari on Sunday were stranded after sudden heavy rainfall caused water levels to rise dramatically. A joint rescue operation involving the police, emergency services, and forest department successfully brought them to safety.

The picnickers were rescued in two groups, first 40 and then 30, using ropes and alternative routes. Thane sarpanch Nilesh Parwar praised the swift response, thanking all three departments for their timely intervention. “I thank all the three departments for their timely intervention and helping out the picnickers who were scared and confused due to the sudden rise of water,” he said.

Despite an initial ban on entry to waterfalls by the forest department, low-intensity falls were reopened to visitors following pressure from locals who rely on the tourism trade. However, the recent heavy rains highlighted the risks, as thousands flock to Sattari’s waterfalls during the monsoon.

In addition to the rescue at Pali, the heavy rain caused widespread disruption in the region. At Keri Goteli, water flowed over a bridge, blocking the road for several hours. Similarly, at Velus Sattari, roads were submerged, and water entered nearby plantations. In Honda, the roof of a civil supplies department godown was blown off, destroying bags of wheat, rice, and other commodities stored inside.

Several houses were damaged, and many trees were uprooted due to the heavy rain and gusty winds. The water level in the Mhadei River also rose significantly due to the incessant downpour.

The Pali waterfall incident is a stark reminder of the potential dangers during the monsoon season, reminiscent of past tragedies in other popular spots like Lonavala.

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